Wednesday, April 23, 2014

MOON DOG ~ kweak 3 VOIDKWEAK incl ))) SYMPLIAYN (((

noo sound bridges the zero day (28)


try and attune it , if it suits ...

( here an announcement may communicate practioners )

kweakkin 53 closes this kweak

what does this mean ??

the kweak tells ..

Thank You Dear Ones – Ayn Ayn Ayn

Thank you for sharing the trials and tribulations, for reminding us of the higher visions,
and for listening.

I came to earth because there were visions of good things happening here
– but alas I came too soon.
I worked tirelessly to help put the visions in place and still will do so.
I wanted to see the good unfold faster than it seems to be
with seeing the corruption and suffering still happening
– and became frustrated and a bit discouraged –
with all the big hype and focus on War here today.

Ho'oponopono (I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love You).

So I will get back in line with the Divine Unfolding
– but my outburst will give me the insight into a New Decree soon to be released.
Indeed I will share it when it crystallizes.
*The HU for Humankind - prevent historical tragedies from re-occurring*
We are in the Ascension Paradigm and will bring it into full Bloom.

*Would someone be kind enough to just pen, in point form,
the Moncivitan Mandate so I am in sync with your thought.

Loving Salutations - J* Starr*

It’s very simple Starr,

the Mondcivitan mandate is to be the Servant Nation of Mankind
and to be the gathering point for those of the ‘lost tribes’.
It does not see mankind as something that needs replacement
but rather that we are all called to follow the law of love and bring peace on the earth.
Just because a small evil minority seem to have the upper hand
because we let them do it does not mean we have to despair
but rather rise to the challenge.
The majority of mankind is good and wants peace but it has no real voice.
We have to be that voice - the leaven that leavens the lump.


( Who describes from intuit what we see in this symbol of SACK? )


those 2 participants on mondcivitan
gave sounds on 4/25 WINDdaya in kweak speak

Seal HAND indicates essence HEALing

is its chanting
strikes 7th chakra , crown plasma

character Y (why)

We Are ART
when we allow our art' iculations on the fluid collaboration

why arthurize ? what has been said ..
it only grows by the other one
(dont U dare ??)

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