Monday, April 7, 2014

DOG moon - warrior kweak ( love type )

Commonwealth_of_World_Citizens / Schonfield / Mondcivitan )


  1. I notice some difference in the shanti.
    In the past, every kweak started with Biovoid and ended with siliaum.
    That made the kweak sacral, because the Biovoid opened the dimensional port, and Siliaum,made us receive the Divine power, which helps us to another level.
    But now, it notice that it is changed. In the life and love kweak Siliaum has become the second chant. In the void kweak, siliaum is the third chant.
    It seems to be rather dangerous for those who's chacra's aren't open yet.
    E.G. in life kweak, people start with Biovoid to prepare for the dimensional journey, and with Siliaum they strengthen their positions in the way they are. So if they are closed or tilted, that position will be energized.

    I can understand that once people have reach an open level, that they can energize themselves in order to travel deep into the dimensional noo.
    However, IMHO, the calendar should be for everyone in order to refine.
    In that case it would be more careful to use the old position of Siliaum, at the end of every kweak. Even so in the void kweak, Siliaum, protect the soul in order to receive kamuthy.

    Can you please reconsider this?
    If not, can you tell me why it's done like that?

  2. I notice some difference in the shanti.
    In the past, every kweak started with Biovoid and ended with siliaum.
    That made the kweak sacral, because the Biovoid opened the dimensional port, and Siliaum,made us receive the Divine power, which helps us to another level.
    But now, it notice that it is changed. In the life and love kweak Siliaum has become the second chant. In the void kweak, siliaum is the third chant.
    It seems to be rather dangerous for those who's chacra's aren't open yet.
    E.G. in life kweak, people start with Biovoid to prepare for the dimensional journey, and with Siliaum they strengthen their positions in the way they are. So if they are closed or tilted, that position will be energized.

    I can understand that once people have reach an open level, that they can energize themselves in order to travel deep into the dimensional noo.
    However, IMHO, the calendar should be for everyone in order to refine.
    In that case it would be more careful to use the old position of Siliaum, at the end of every kweak. Even so in the void kweak, Siliaum, protect the soul in order to receive kamuthy.

    Can you please reconsider this?
    If not, can you tell me why it's done like that?

  3. Hj mykey
    These notes are definitely contreebuting to the kweak vers'ion

    The chanting experience are done in a vulnerable time for human race 'against the machine' so to say ..

    The committee gathers soln and will see how siliaum coukd regain it ls true place or might be changed by 'sympliayn' ..

    Maybe you will give an advise how it fits better ..
    We cert'ayn-ly listen to the music from all over the planeth ..


  4. This re'Attuning Kweak proposal may refine in a pivotal time ..

    That is april 30 is a preseth special date ..

    It might be a good chance ..

    While we readjust in kweak .. planetary moon ..

    It gives 182 cosmic wind in dreamspell, dogwave (love)
    In Maya Tzokin it gives eagle 5, overtone - kin 135 in Monkeywave
    So in treekweak it spells 317 - 57 , navigation seal Earth 5, overtone

    See for some reading ..

    It is on the verge if dreamspell moon 9 and kweakspell 10 ..
    Which stresses a bit ..

  5. Sorry .. change 9 and 10 to 10 and 11 ..

    Together Planetary Rainbow (spectral)

  6. Well , I await the decision of your Committee

    For if it may help your decision I list the old versus new trail.

    Lifekweak. Old: there is a 1 to 9 row start Biovoid as compound / prelude
    and then upward from the root chakra to the crown chakra.
    it ends with Siliaum that put the solar plexus into receiving mode, so that all chakras equal share in this event. Each can feel what is happening in his / her body, and can consciously get to work.

    Lifekweak New: this kweak connect through Biovoid, and opens then the possibility of receiving through solar plexus (Siliaum) in the state in which one finds oneself. So if there is an unstable state, erroneous information can pass.

    Lovekweak Old: Starting with Biovoid and then weaving 8-2-7-3-6-4-5, a string that embraces the divine and the earthly in order to arrive at an enhanced heart chakra,
    Ending with Siliaum to fill these strong woven heart chakra with divine energy and share it with other open chakras

    Lovekweak New: Biovoid as a binding factor , followed by the receiving of the Divine / Noosphere energy within (and open up all chakras in receive mode ) to start to weave .
    The weave comes to an end on the Heart Chakra. It is a vulnerable position, which asks a lot from the individual.

    Voidkweak Old : Starting with Biovoid as a unifying factor and then voiding from the inside out: 5-2-6-3-7-4-8. At first one empties what ‘lays’ on the heart , then searching for the root of it , etc ... eventually the outcome is the contact with the personal guide (8 - Kalikey) Then, together with the guide one may go to Siliaum ( Divine reception, working through all chakras). From the void, illuminated by Siliaum and supported by the guide (8), we can enter / experience Kamuthy.

    Voidkweak new: binding through Biovoid , then empty what ‘lays’ on the heart (5), proceed directly in a Siliaum modus ( 9) thus a divine ratification ( and even open up all the chakras in receive mode ) , and only then search for the root. In this ‘journey’ it is the personal guide that escort to Kamuthy . Again we note a very fragile journey that requires / expected a lot from the individual

  7. In the remains of the days the SILIAUM chant landed on the cuckoos nest - 18th day of the moon .. it is returning the alt'ruistic treasure within the specie .. human bein'

    The siliaum allows a spatial Void Kweak for 9 days without SILIAUM chant.
    We will see what sound sound lands here ..

    SymPliAyn is tipping chant 'Gere' which guides daya28, the zero day ...

    Gere is similar as Heir in HeirMany .. Ger'many ..
