Friday, September 11, 2015

III 1/28 SIR~daYaN *-- }}} } 1x bioVoid { {{

THIRD MOON sterted in this spell ...

how proseed it all  allone

youTube delivers quite some MICHELVEC clips on the theme ..

i have a break for some week or so

have a good moon

start oer again ; third moon is ELECTRIC: of SERVICE

Traveling  the Lunar MOON II of a yearcycle
current glyph KIN daYan
T septembre 17 THURSday  DaY               : service to according starroot kin given

165 117 022  *--        <======= 
166 118 024  **-
167 119 026  ***      

TAo 165 - serpent bite or strrrangle  - oops

TzuYanKey 117 - earth navigatess a way out

Qi   iQ  022: shows White Solar Wind

reading WSW

Getting in touch with your male and female aspects and how you perceive them is an integral part of the alchemical process that brings them harmony. You can begin the process of integrating polarities through an increased understanding of the awareness in both sides of your body. The right side generally represents the male, the left side, the female. In meditation, observe the qualities of each side. Bring out their issues, fears, strengths, and potentials. Feel them. Move with them. Talk to them. Create and draw images. Make sounds. Write about them. Explore their relationships. Then, taking as much time as you need, allow them to flow together, unified in solar androgyny. Freeing past perceptions, claim harmony, healing, and love, and bring that new sense of unity into the present moment

TZuYanKeYE 118 shows the Mirror 1 - magnetic - leader of its wave


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