Monday, February 23, 2015

HAWK moon enters SHARK kweak ~ sharp ending FeBruar entering III

in the seefeel we get high into AQUARee'US

kweak guides this from distant call

"no human here"

only L'ourdeners of T' ime

sched' resonates

get it straight here

we see 28 as 

{III III III} x 3 + 1

(obsolete transmissive)

X )( O                   } & {

another EVE in A' dam
 X  )(  O
 mark 85*

 this is a surprise from uniQverse
the Accord
begets its Reign
which gives birth tot foundation KIN iddt  
march11 2015
which is aligned to 85* kweak
which gave birth to
biotope dankebank Robinea
its is what nature does by its own accord 
we followww 
X )( O
radiative attractive receptance
march one
star 228 & star148
resp.tones 7 & 5
resonant and overtone
Sirius and Arcturus
hunters Footprint

Thursday, February 12, 2015

HAWK moon & kweak glue a sharp observation

Kweak 8.2 is delivered before 13th of beruari

this is in perspective of wednessdaya

22 2 : 220 / 221
 as we know kweakayn had 1 third of a daya in front

So feb22 shows dragonder 221 tone 13 in moonwave preseeding 222 on dreamline

This travels with 174 another wizard on the move - greektree oil we reckon

GammayWay is a Jabbeke spiced with Ieper reMorse , Belgium july 2014

 how does Freddy do this with his fian cee -  trickereedo

Thursday, February 5, 2015

LARK & LARCH kweak dedicated to Eck'ART

text origin link
(shifted 1 day as a crrection to a previous)

sometimes chaos & complexity grow that heigt and vibrant

we humans feel humble that we failed all the way ..

but then the memory stick seems out of order

orderings are needed by then 

ard U part of this co operation ?

By the Way
The Larch ! 
was inspired name for my beachhouse 1999-2011
sold to my buddy friend Alex van Groningen

(why was mayor Mans part of this bilateral transition?)

[neighbour Kees knows the solution,
Quality manager XXX, Amsterdam/Globe]

Transiton T'own / Uniting Nations

the animal totem was inspired
by co creator Herman Wijffels ,
whose biography 'de Opdracht' i'm reading ...

Eck'art was as the Beast Gonzo in Kermit / the Muppets