Wednesday, August 5, 2015

18 KINdaYan *** [ ~~ SE LI NOO ~~ ~~ SE LI NOO ~~ ~~ SE LI NOO ~~ }

125 77 202  (august 7 , 2015 - Friday week 31?)
126 78 204  (august 8, Saturday
127 79 206 T august 9 , SUNday

[ ~~ SE LI NOO ~~  ~~ SE LI NOO ~~  ~~ SE LI NOO ~~ ]
these fullfillment of 3 days on KIN is given a moment of chantings hearing a choir
SE - is as english SAY and strikes the 6th chakra behind the eyes
LI - is as in BALI the Indonesian Island, stikes the 7th chakra into heavens
NOO - invites the NOOsphere to be welllcomed on EARTH

(4 days ahead the author only sets the NUMBEAR grid - the narrative continues & may bend)

]HAND[ ... }PLANETARY{  :  mani~fests  ( cant stop this: )
Astro: The MANifesting HanD is the magnetic Hand of YaniQ .. and the many who travel by HARA centered.
By this talent they bring healing to the one they are treating with love/care.
This 127 is most interesting in the massage & shiatsu sphere

]STORM[ }MAGNETIC{      : Storm is a generator for 13 wielding days for the fruit

]W.BRIDGER[ }SPECTRAL{  : Death generated an Opportunity (may we succeed after all)

80 (we NOW realize the extra ion exchanged pops 1 kin higher in return)

special reading Yellow Lunar Sun

clip with terence mckenna in kweak nar'logistics

KIN hymne on 080
Yellow Lunar Sun
White Northern Castle of Crossing
Earth family- Polar      Clan- Fire
I polarize in order to enlighten
Stabilizing life
I seal the matrix of universal fire
With the lunar tone of challenge
I am guided by the power of free will
Seal 20 Yellow Sun Seal 1 Red Dragon Seal 2 White Wind Seal 3 Blue Night Seal 4 Yellow Seed Seal 5 Red Serpent Seal 6 White WorldBridger Seal 7 Blue Hand Seal 8 Yellow Star Seal 9 Red Moon Seal 10 White Dog Seal 11 Blue Monkey Seal 12 Yellow Human Seal 13 Red Skywalker Seal 14 White Wizard Seal 15 Blue Eagle Seal 16 Yellow Warrior Seal 17 Red Earth Seal 18 White Mirror Seal 19 Blue Storm Tone 2 Lunar Tone 3 Electric Tone 4 SelfExisting Tone 5 Overtone Tone 6 Rhythmic Tone 7 Resonant Tone 8 Galactic Tone 9 Solar Tone 10 Planetary Tone 11 Spectral Tone 12 Crystal Tone 13 Cosmic Tone 1 Magnetic Tone 2 Lunar
counter clockwise wheel rotation
Kin 80
Harmonic 20: Lunar Matrix Self-regulate universal fire of challenge

1 comment:

  1. note to mykey
    127 79 206 T august 9 , SUNday
    was checked on [starroot calc] where tzolkin is 1 higher
    we correct this at kin 28/28
    so the forcasts on sept. 7 and 28 are adjusted by now
