YaniQi SirVice
113 65 178 ======= 26 , the day after the parTY/reunion (adds follow)
114 66 180 ======= 27 , often RUBY tuesday=of month : dies off&passes
115 67 182 <<== july 28 , ol'VatiCan ref is a WedNessDay : what is the Wedding about
as a forcast traveling , details follow later as the calendrix is often inspected before
(so this is what sirvice means as KARMIC 'soap')
TAo ~ Departure is a directing vector (which can be vice versa in power attraction , a pulse)
EAGLE as SEAL might sometimes be exchanged by another one as VUL(P)TURE

115 is tracking the 105 SERPENT wave on tone 11 - spectral and coloured rainbow light
TzuJanKeY is the FLeight spice
second tone in BEAVERs fort - challenging its workers to weave the building job
it adds to 115 into 182 - a wind force needed for them wings to catch a lift up
Qi~iQ - arrivalue
SUN seal brings enlightenment as a home for the day
wave 170 is WOOLFYs we remember - so this is tone 11 - spectral again ..
well that is "perspective for midweek"
CORRECTION this is 182 : wind 13 - presence
113 65 178 ======= 26 , the day after the parTY/reunion (adds follow)
114 66 180 ======= 27 , often RUBY tuesday=of month : dies off&passes
115 67 182 <<== july 28 , ol'VatiCan ref is a WedNessDay : what is the Wedding about
as a forcast traveling , details follow later as the calendrix is often inspected before
(so this is what sirvice means as KARMIC 'soap')
TAo ~ Departure is a directing vector (which can be vice versa in power attraction , a pulse)
EAGLE as SEAL might sometimes be exchanged by another one as VUL(P)TURE
115 is tracking the 105 SERPENT wave on tone 11 - spectral and coloured rainbow light
TzuJanKeY is the FLeight spice
second tone in BEAVERs fort - challenging its workers to weave the building job
it adds to 115 into 182 - a wind force needed for them wings to catch a lift up
Qi~iQ - arrivalue
SUN seal brings enlightenment as a home for the day
wave 170 is WOOLFYs we remember - so this is tone 11 - spectral again ..
well that is "perspective for midweek"
CORRECTION this is 182 : wind 13 - presence
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