Saturday, May 23, 2015

URdaYan *** includes REED one

The focus of many people as individuals contracts a contact on "what us to be LET before hurrying into  solution expecially when it is private act only.

Here we may open into experience of them numbear closures by ESP character - Electric Sensory Perspception estimated by kweakayn numbears resp. Dreamsper 22,  Tzolkin 220 adn sum 242 in Treekweak: june 24, 1955 - 60 years over in 31 days to live on.

May 24

53.  4.  57.

Departure 53 syncs in feathered serpent : kin for inspection as Silvanus drives the storyline charged: mother and children here 2 sons "on mistakes reigning agent of city of Zwolle on despair. The agebt did not return to his rekevabt client yet,  but so far shows Leak with the complaining Lady B.

Concrete community Z and hus mayor practises acshow process, "crucifying" a multiple protected servant for all the people such as seat 14/028 at a closed seat governed by President C.Wiertz. She is informed on the outcome noticed on 6 till 10 march 2015 : three resigns in public right at Justice Department.
Who is payed for Justice?

This Yaniqs son case.... Where the son puppets the mother in full marionet wrong un the function mother crossing citizens prime cause : legal sharpness never victimizing
 the sovereign at the kings desk.

While a loving relationship governs a house, it is governed by them both, lovers.

When suddenly another driver comes in such as based on emotions as survival projection we shoulds be carefull.

Survival is not done by saving a son from justice, where justice reigns society.
 The existence of the son himself is already taken care of by father and son.
Interference of mother at a case of rectification for the wholly abuse is a societies duty Guaranteed bij the Mayor, the Agent, the Employes,the Hoise Medical server, the instamce servixing mental care (Dimence)
The case GIN 14/028 ends on the closure letter Already done on case 14/28 joining two hands: right hand of justice cleans the left hand of Finance : who pays off all participants at equal end formula : 6 fold outcome on investment. One statement CDG on the court GIN 20 may 2014 till 8 june 2015 settled the judges resignition.
The other statement could have renewed the societies learning principles - wheras no invitation done by head takeover from director in 2008, Netherlands Bank Institution ran by a second mother with autistic child on abuse.

What governs but God Silvanus ending a perk, dutch tijdperk,  paaltje,  punt:

Thus very neaning of whitsunday here charged by mother 21/4 on retraite with permission Bouke H. , director guaranteeing her job and public servant fulfilling hus stand on 25/4 by locking the door for outlaws having announced themselves by mothers phone.

Further solvation are done in the " deG family " tricked by 2 or 3 ladies performing emancipation laids misleading male officers as LC 29/4 city of Zwolle in dact done by B. Family on 22/4 lead by unseen advocare MB in Denia,  Spain. What a family tragedy in fact put in court by miss J.B. 73 loving care to CdG alk those years setting the fruit.

The Great Lady would gave gotten passing the door by sovereign friend protecting her inner / wanted strength on just Handling her sons and ex-man. The autistic junger boy set free from incriminized oldest sun by cultural standards at mitorclub G.

Now the mayor can come inas rhe saints do.

It depicts the UR idea for Inspector Clouseau : the Pink Panther implying the Colour of resurrection
eau is water the element of magnetic settled fields that electrify on breaking waters pure balance at meditation.
Clous indicates Closure
Spector is the intelligence actor of UR d"accord
IN is only your bodily vehicle as a motor running several spheres including the death

We may see the other I : me selve

dreamspell Red Magnetic SkyWalKer was destiny 52 yellow cosmic human

Voyage 4 includes the ger / slash. On Yellow Self-Existing Seed [44]

 57 as arrival / destiny gives tone OverTone in 53 wave

Radiating Energy

eArth Seal says Navigathor at work

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