Kweak 8.2 is delivered before 13th of beruari
this is in perspective of wednessdaya
as we know kweakayn had 1 third of a daya in front
So feb22 shows dragonder 221 tone 13 in moonwave preseeding 222 on dreamline
This travels with 174 another wizard on the move - greektree oil we reckon
GammayWay is a Jabbeke spiced with Ieper reMorse , Belgium july 2014
how does Freddy do this with his fian cee - trickereedo
the alphabeth28 can be used to decypher the HAWK number
ReplyDelete8 1 5 11 => 8 6 11 ') => 25 ")
') here we always make a balanced set , e.g. 1234567 => 12 345 67 or 123 4 567
do you get it , how a decision is on target of the moment & pilot?
") here we use the mayan dreamspell calendar as a reference ..
Always choose a reference and then use us as standard .. to make something pop
25 refers to the RED SERPENT 12 : CRYSTAL
the astroDream advisor helpt at number 1 - 260 for 20x13 tones on all seals