Saturday, January 10, 2015

moon 7 ~ serpent moon - woodpecker kweak 1/3

WooDpecker is RHYTHMIC
so this moon is the kweak 6th one
(we started by moon 0 stead 1 ;-)

so 25.7 is a dreamspell aligning figure

always pound one down the grassroots ..
for special moments to arise


EAGLE is the centered seal
whre it seeds at the 9th .. (64)

next kweak might be Rattle Snake


  1. there is this book on Serendipiteit by Pek van Andel & his interviewing auditor
    it somehow explayns my affinity to cryptic language
    and bringing things toogether that dont fit but for an eye too see

    s' ace

    a bivid biovoiding

    1. January is the Crown Month
      16 is 2 ^2 ^2 .. a trilogy number by double square; root of 256
      20 is number of seals in 260 tableof tzolkin
      15 is nmber of roletypes to maintayn : 12 plus me & she and G.D

      8 is the infinity horizontale & timelessness verticale
      is the binary flux
      within EULER too
