Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Guinea Pig Kweak dedicated to HARMAN

The poem of the Guinea Pig is pulsed my PhD Stephen Engelking on march 29, 2014

Guinea Pig -- Gentleness, humane treatment of others, responsibility

He is Leader of ILBS: Interdependent Leadership BusyNess School - ILBS
a dedicated practice to see for Hugh Schonfields Politics of God
He met S' ace on Lucknow CMS double symposium For global justice & global democracy

S' ace is engaged with the AFM in the Netherlands since 2004 when he met Arthur ..
They had a public talk in the Van Nelle Fabriek in Rotterdam on Manager of the Year 2003

Later on Arthur was in a struggle with mr Frans ') who is entrepreneur for GIN20XX ,
a cryptic project name to cover the rectifications after verifications by HARMAN (a text button to enter) ..

we will follow ..

CJdG aka uncle S'ace

small textures here
The author was/is engaged in a Tree Story directed by mr. Frans vdH ; original only subcontractor, mr. deG is honoured by court in the pioneering mission of a judge-commissary-commissary - jcc, the 'boss' of the judge-commissary in the theme of verification for judgement at may 20, 2014 in Den Bosch, the Netherlands. Report states the JCC - dutch rcc - immediately took the initiative using the 6 and 4 weeks patience for the curator to show report freely on the net. This was done on octobre 2, and followed by alert actions - honoured by the courts 'reason for existence' for the nation, the people. The mission is closed by the verification closure at januari 15, the jcc shifting the case to the President in the Palace. The pioneering act of the 'free curator' is grounded in integral management fixed as stable balance by integral directoraaDT . This last dutch word is aligned to the mission done by mr H. Wijffels, "Ready to Ree" 2006. MR. de G. did perform the saloon session "integral governance".
Last words may not have been said; the 20% settlement in advance alignes to the conduct code by XXX :

  • mayor of Amsterdam, also engaged in world waterworks
  • President of Social Contracts, at CRVB Utrecht
  • President of Court Palace Den Bosch
The citizen is also known as servant in public affairs & governing agreed

mr. Frans is mentioned with a contract with mr. Alex van Groningen on his buy for an object - theLarch! 296 Bakkum Beach : "contract Frans"
Alex was initiating his sight on finances in the GIN projects.
We exchanged free learnings while the mayor of Castricum got exchanged in minor standards given the wish of the coming King Alex. Later on mr. de Koning took over the case to find Arthur in Mokum.
(some crypts are necessary to get rid of ghostriders)

Sunday, January 18, 2015

moon 7 serpent moon rattle kweak

Januar 19
somehow aligns to the 40 days from jun15

Venus goes retrograde on the Day out of Time July 25, 2015,  Kin 113. This cycle lasts approximately 40 days through Planetary Skywalker (the Day out of Time in 2003).  It is interesting to note that there are also 40 days between the (63rd anniversary) discovery of the tomb of Pacal Votan June 15, 2015 (Kin 73) and the Day out of Time, Kin 113/July 25.  Those 40 days hold significance that will be revealed the closer we get to the date.
`”The synchronic order is the telepathic wiring of the fourth-dimensional mind. Navigating it with clarity is all-important. Through our activation by these codes, we are receiving a new perception of reality showing that we are players in a Plan of enormous scope and multidimensional possibilities. In order to make the most of the daily synchronic order code practices, it is highly recommended that you first begin by doing a session of natural mind mediation …

Once you have cleared your mind, you will see with fresh eyes the wonders that await you.”

Valum Votan, Rinri newsletter III Vol. 1, no. 3
as a Bolon Ik - 22 in Dreamspell
Wizard tone 9 
i pass my 60th sun cycle as breathing creature
within this period
as dwelling co-operathor
pivoting human spirit alignments
into ordering principals as suite

we only can prepare & prepaire from solar us

Saturday, January 10, 2015

moon 7 ~ serpent moon - woodpecker kweak 1/3

WooDpecker is RHYTHMIC
so this moon is the kweak 6th one
(we started by moon 0 stead 1 ;-)

so 25.7 is a dreamspell aligning figure

always pound one down the grassroots ..
for special moments to arise


EAGLE is the centered seal
whre it seeds at the 9th .. (64)

next kweak might be Rattle Snake