Tuesday, June 30, 2015

XIII 9 MOONdaYan --* ninth day in cube idea centrepoimts

88 40 128
89 41 130
90 42 132  <<== july 1

Next month on Turtle9

90 brings woolf crying and howling for the drama

42 is Norit42 also may spiritual key man Jan Goudsblom

Due obsession in mygifted life urged some creations..
Perhaps networks ard willing to hear from narratives..
Here and there i found nice homes to stay for one or a few nights
my home is my castle and perhaps only a nice car to live my heritage
YaniQ was Quite an eXperience ; i angled a thought to Frank Sinatra


ArriVal 132


The monkeyme turned the key at the verge of julY
 the GoD idea is silly :

 silly silvanus resides in all of us and may pop a silly song

132 holds 42 & 90,  how elegant at tone 2 - moon challenger...
We will always long for a moment residing there together chrystalizing the chest (nuts)

 myknee gets the world around         (~ |   KIN~ID.net

Oopswhen Ella doesnt perform, let us try 10 CC

XIII 30 MOONdaYan -*- Navel KuXan Suum at HoTel

94 40 134
95 41 136  <<== june 30 agreement day on 2 months Hotel deBotel
96 42 137
 correction 9 i saw some divertion took place

89 41  130 <<== june 30
moon 11  dragon 2  warrior 6 are pending on june 30 tuesday

Departur 95 schedules Eagle/snowowl

Tone 4 in Human wave 92 the 8th wave is Galactic and cleans the mental sick notes

Self Existing : arise Baby, start all over by Yi on Qi ~ Tzujan ~ TAo

 find a better lover than ever a looser

Start in Hotel Kalief or N'ea

Remind Ea as geddess of Breath, pressured air by human stress

Fleight 41 speaks Dragon of a Woomaniser tracking serpents
but wasnot it alll meant from a good hearth from adVance ¿  we rethink

Arrival 136 sets a warrior crown on the mayors income..

Shedding a 65kk was always his wet dream as a Hero with Heroïne

mr&mrs Know'BodY at all in generationbinding.com pitfall

Monday, June 29, 2015


94 40 134  <<== june 29  * full espect Day:  another 24 hours delay: Patience4King
95 41 136
96 42 138

aha 42 MEANS HOMECOMING AT Wednessdaya! !

guaranteed by my only LOVE on the planeth. Earlands

departur 94

Spellls wizard talking the king and gaming the dutch billiarts
 10 plus 1 to makeg
 game with Theodoor' Lalleman Rotrerdams movie maker

 from my Home.. Facilitated by Norit the icecool kitcat

Process 40 ali babas 40

Sun One too

 134  the second WizzArth withi the 9 Lords of Timeth

Tone 4 in 51 monkeys process of dying demons in the head

And autistic industrial too

Short oracling by vitanessY the octopussy

Saturday, June 27, 2015

6 xIII SUNdaYan --* final date most pure ending in lovecase

91 37 128

92 38 130

93 30 132  <<== june 28,  sunDay 4 a remeet with senses aligned?

 the patchwork of YaniQ impulsed YaniQi, her devoted servanth

Say NeedLess and Pin's may free some revenche stones for the better

Departur before 14
93 a typicall kweak cypher

Arrival around 18
30 gives Dog or rather Woolf at Hearth station acting prompt

Processing until june 30
132 as carrier : human 7th column monkey wave
  quite a fit 4 this tidings effects

[  Wild Guess by ESP talented 22 220 242  ]

Friday, June 26, 2015

XIII SUNdaYan -*- center lucipher

Theme MLK

91 37 128
92 38 129 <<== june 27 saturday when she comes in abundant joY
93 39 130

92 starts Human Wave,  8th wave in serie of 20x13

Magnetic Tone

38 flashes a mirror tone 12 - collective crystal

129 is again 12 as tone,  cooperating teamworks as WLB can

neu ree bah

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

4 XIII SUNdaYan *-- bioVoid (2 9 12 6 12 9 2 : 52)

91 37 128 ==>> june 26 fridaY
92 38 130 halfway tzolkin 260
93 39 132

How elegant 91 as 13 & 37 as 11 tones giving 128 another 11 in 118 : Mirror

Sum     524 : makes 4 - self existing SeedLing : the Ultimate BabY Born at an OriGin

DepartUR 91 (10) sets free my true MonKeY rednosed by a wazards Lucknow Balll

Prosessing # 73 is MyKeY on the NiNe Lords of TiMe

111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999

ArriValue illustrates 128 :  Yellow Spectral Star  :   ARCturus
 the Bullls Eye Stopped on Rigel

Monday, June 22, 2015

XIII SIRdaYan --* third kin in XIII TH MOON

88 34 122
89 35 124
90 36 126 <<== june 25 thursday sauna & thermen

Departur  90 suits Dog,  we now need Wolf as L'onesome as can be drafting the Noo

12 depicts Crystal tone co-operating 42 & DaisY home, ET home

36 marks a Warrior,  fearless handling as
a mans got to do what states his existence to the Lady

Arrivalues.. . As Integrity and Intelligent forwarding the wished Balances

126, the Beaver.. Our worldbridger as busy   s/he   can be with hesitationsinbetween..

Tone 9 - solar at intenD

Saturday, June 20, 2015


June 24

"love is stronger than anything else... It follows its TAo by Qi unlimited universal flowww
 88 34 122
 89 35 124 <<== june 24,  third time longest day: Birch Tree as Holy One (celtics)
 90 36 126

Departjude  8~)  89 depicts Moon 11 in Storm Wave 79 : Spectral Tone Liberates! !!!

((( can U feel what it frees of Y'our MindSeth?  )))

#25 spices our FL8 :: pardon

Its is second serpent in wholly Tzolkin

 see this as very powerful..North
 north earth seal telling Naviathor

Red crystall. Serpent
 changes to #35 : Eagle9  solar Minded Goat

 West eagle tranforming spice in MindSphere reigning Sight / Love / phiBows

 East wizarT.. Enchanting Lazyness but watch its mago & Qi,  its YaniQi..
#3 1 14 9 11 9 : 47 : 42+5. . : 4th hand ~self existing : HanD of G*D
Sylvanus TracksBack

South Warrior as "Fearless Looser"

Center the Serpent as Life Elixer,  Bergsons Elan Vital,  www.attent-Qi.nl Affections

}}} 124  seedlinG in 118 Mirror mirror YaniQi on the Walll

resonant Seed... What you see is what U GET.. Inhale it as Gift!!!?

Extra Bolon Ik specialll project

1. XIII TURTLE mOOn *-- HeY HeY Hey Jude

Jude according Yitzhaq is Apostle,  similar As Quadruple Smart ass
[ no autistiq,  nor Affraids ~ rather initiative & noomanticist ]

John & Paul were in a way Noomantcists..
It might need a description not only based on words but YELLS TOO


28 XIi GLORYdayaN ^ moonbethdaya

Moonday june 22

87 33 120

Mark break kin 111 : monkey 7 : Resonanth ') see Comment Area
Hash kin 220 meets TzolKin 220 0f kin22Dreamspell CurrentAuthor
[ 87 + 23 + 110 ]

Correction reset into [87 33  120 => 240 ]

Departur  87   hand  10  mani fests as  a stone  that  is uniQversal

WWW.ATTENT-Qi.NL    <<=== GOOD sight  to  get informed playful

Go throught the PeYote Night in her breast sides and feel hot.
.Then the breastchest crystalizes full and bright in a goddess moment
which returns un ex Pected..

 i love her _ but then how can we know 4 sure..

23 is Second Night at AbunDance

we correctified into 33: second skywalker.. Albatros!

Delivering quite some Intuitive Challenge,  perhaps ESP   search it

110  dog : heart and love terrayns  pulsing. intenD Qi.  romanticism
 corection gave 120: sun'iversal souldier.. Elan Vital!

Nowadays  Noomanticism  ;-))


moment of JoY : my cat DaisY immediately eeacted after 7 weeks travelling

She tried to gwt as close as possible to hang on,  big cat eyes

Perhaps DaisY is my 4th MyKeY. ?

84 30 114
85 31 116
86 32 118 ==>> june 21 soulst'ice

According my records she - Daisybasy - is gifted by the 1st one not Zeroe
 (she cannot be plugged )

Friday, June 19, 2015

26 XII SOULdaYAN -*- centerfault

84 30 114
85 31 116  ==>> june 20  ==>> satURdaya
86 32 118

Departur  85  depicts. Serpent : life elixer

Tone 7 : resonant harmoniUS / meUs

Fleight 31  gives way to mon~key

Tone 5 - overtone - in the hand at loss?

#116  shows warrior,  16 as 2x2  power 4 - grounded in 2 ^ 4

Tone 12 - crystal - in wave 105 - serpent again.. Lifeelixer


 at 11 i received 45tour single A whiter shade of Pale. 
It might have enchanted all what was next

That is life. ¿

Thursday, June 18, 2015

XII SOULdaYan *-- biovoid

 no secret at all ;-)
 8 is 9 too while it is atwin as well as "at win win duet"

 84  30  114  ===>>> june 19

 85  31  116

 86. 32  118

Departur  84  seeds. Rhythmic which balanced by dabcing vibrations

Fl8  #30   expesses sun4 : the self existing tone

Arrival  #114  gives notice of the Wizard, also Wizzkid of Ozzy

tone #10 indicates planetary  , manifesting  Oz


Wednesday, June 17, 2015

XII URdaYan --* closing 8th pfase UR

81  27  108
82  28  110
83  29  112. <<== june 18.

  departur 83 on intuition / NIGHT OVERTONE : HIGH MEANS / expectation & flow
  serendipity at charge

 fleight 29 : moon as guiding trace,  electric atmosphere leans a bean

  arrival human 112, tone 8 : integrity guarantees good spots

 [426 84 330 ==>> 840 : -/-780 : 60 pakal votan track number]

Which fom will kweakayn take nextup

XII URdaYaN.-*- CENTERFOLDS 8th phase UR

  81 27 108
  82 28 110  ==>> june 17 
  83 29 121

 82  WIND  4. SELF EXPReSses


  #110. : 5 x 220
 dog overtone / empowers


Tuesday, June 16, 2015

XII. URdaYan *-- biovoiD intenD

 81 27 108 ==>> june 17
 82 28 110
 83 29 112

#81 Dragon 3 Electric / Servicir cue

Feeder of the Noise as well of accords

81====>>>>27====>>>> 108



D81 dragon 3 connects

F27 hand 1 attracts

a108 star 4 measuresl

Monday, June 15, 2015

XII WINDdaYan --* bioTopics Call reverseTH

78 24 102
79 25 104
80 26 106 <<== june 16 wednessdaya

237 75 312 ==>> 624. -/- 520 : 104 Seed 13 cosmic

 dep #80  SUN 2 LUNAIR : CHallenger


 fl8 #26  BeaVer  waterbridger. Tone13 cosmic

 arr #106  Beaver  2. Challenger too

What to say?  in commentery

XII WINDdaYan -*- midwaystar Art'curus

HeY Jude
paul & john

78 24 102
79 25 104
80 26 106 <===  june 16 ruby Tuesday

#79 signs departude : storM 1 : magnetic leader of 13 kin:
9 solar ones : 1-9

4 collaborative ones : 13-10

#25 fleight performs serpent 12 - crystal mask

#106 ArriVal

At worldbridger now Beaver "mykey"

What do we see here?

It are the eyes of a mongolian tent
 having eyes to the sea at west (stead sun south)

The ac-cord carries a heavy stone abling the wind to go puff/out

Blank nedt is a candle light as jew have their type

The Oerg is the white pufff

2 carrying piles form a circle for 5x 15 stocks plus 6 on the door

Sunday, June 14, 2015

XII WINDdaYan *-- biotopic

75 27 102 <<== june 16
76 28 104
77 29 106

228 84 312 ==>> 1444! !! Wizart 14 & seed 44  also XIII

 Dep / de part => = fuse in a vehicle?

75 iz eagle as well as owl - raubtiere,  raubvœgel

Wie ist raubvœgel 8&9 character? .???

Ton 10 in worldbridger / beaver! !!! The weaver? !!!

}}} isnt the is  groeninvest striker AFM amsterdam 2007-2014 stopped from"cut" {{{

#27 is key number 9x3 in this enchantment

gods Hand:  3.1 : tone 1 of thirDTH waving : magnetic hand : first Transformative Weaving

#102 signs for wind11,  another wind2 - lunar : cHallenging

Saturday, June 13, 2015

XIII KINdaYan --* 666 closure DAY

72 24 96
73 25 98
74 26 100 <<== june 15

Dep 74 wizz'art 22+52 s'ace & yaniq 4ever seedlings as twinsouls

Stead  Roomanticism they bounced in Noomanticism.. noospheriqs

 Fl8 26 means world bridger  13  cosmiq

100 locks noo chique

 lucid dreAM stopped by starting all over in noomanticism..
 u & me talking & listenung & fancying

XII KINdaYan -*- centre day

72 24 96
73 25 98 <<== june 14 sunday
74 26 100

73 mayan wholy number

Deppart ur

Skywalker is Addventurer

S'he climbs the stairway to heaven & picks a fractale as articulation

Fl eight / 8 
25 the serpent announced   does it bite the sun?

 crystal spells coorporation....
 mark Difference to [corporation]

arrival 98 pins on kin resonant mirror 7

focuss 2*2*2 & 3*3 as to harminious weavers as beavers with wood

Friday, June 12, 2015

XII KINdaYAn *-- bioVoiD tripling

72 24 96 <<== june 13 - saturday  3 1 4 equation
73 25 98
74 26 100

depp 72
i associated kate moss & johnnys depp  this mourning

Also human seal mutated to journernext to adventurer and artisan

72 links to resonant seal mourner / human

Fl8 24

Spectral Seed is a liberathor  
 can U feel it where i see it and vice verso

.. Seal crystal serpent follows seed

Arr 96

Warrior 5 is overtone ra~diating as Tiger does in the jungle.

XII NESSdaYan --* closure june 6/12 friD

69 21 90

70 22 92

71 23 94 <<== wizard in Human 92 as treekweak druïde


Transformation on Monkey 6,  the dancing rhythm & rhyme

Is this me muse making the world look so different in a whippy
Llet Us be together agayn in our peace at pieces integrating Y'our wholeness


23 iz planetary night & fleight of 22,  white solar windID ent

Here finished by Delil'AH SAmsom herself

It s pure Rooman the Nooman

Alkseeing US~ talk with me us...
Can we talk i silence too?

 pinpoints a wizzart in treekweak spell fusing destiny

It s tome is Serving Electric three aka 3

Thursday, June 11, 2015

XII NESSdaYan -*- Centerfold

69 21 90
70 22 92  white Solar Wind in Tzolkin
71 23 94

69 is a cancer symbol as 96. ..
.it is moon :: (4)
Self Building MoonWeaver

PARDON WE are 70: dog 5 overtone radiating splend'our
 sympli love her as my tiptoe
 no tactix needed while we stream..

 22 is white refined wind that spells words  finding ones inner child.. Cards

 my favourite?  Huckleberry Finnn!



 92  is human 52 + 2 columns

From lll till V

From electric into overTone

Can U read and see my dear

Wizzzz'arT  Magnetic Human by Eckasha Flame Needlepinned with Love

From YaniQ,  my precious... More Dary than scary as Mary..

XII NESSdaYan *--- biovoid morning day

   69 21 90 <<== void   june 10 2015
   70 22 92  <<== bolon ik daya  special YaniQ my Unique
    71 23 94

Dep69 moon 4 in moonweaver wave

Auto di dactic  ( not tactick, please )

We Spelll noo roomantics


Fleight21 as black jacko mago just be4 22

Dragon 8 galactick in wizard wave

Arr90 spells  Crystal Dog as Woolfy
.Shining the Best he can EnGage

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

XII FAdaYan --* closure ofvthis tripling

66 18 84
67 19 86
68 20 88  <<=== june 9 ruby  tuesday

  i stead of my labil partner Yanig advised to go for a retraite perio
  she managed ito order instances to pick uo her lover s'ace.

  he told them he is standup parricipator in a big case when forest property was illegal token by raged cut. Son intrgral management as active parole still quaranteed the setlanding after twenty years of growt, ,

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Saturday, June 6, 2015

XII FAdaYan *-- bioVoiding a tripling 72 / 81

81?  this is mago : each set of 8 hours have a twin : the 8th
 8 includes the 9th, the baby Next Us

Which takes Woolfson the Budapest board, Yitzhaq declares..

 66 18  84 <<=== june 7 sunday
 67 19  86
 68 20  88

DepartUR point
   66 recalls the route 66 memory leak.. As an american Fast Lane

   was it  "don't think, Act! " in Yankee - cult  , YaniQ btought it up
 in her strife for Delilahs crown in S'ace biovoiDinG adventUR  
 well, who could see the SamSom family tree pops in both Samsom and Willnis


   Samsom family three pops in both  SamSom and Willness

   66 codes WORLD BRIDGER ONE :  MAGNETIC TYPE , leader

   leader of 12 followers.. Which pops importance for Judean as Yitzhaq
   he follows the woman judas,  the real jesus.. In all his fear as caution.
   what do weus sense : will YitzhaQ surrender in a good way of thinking as jester?

   18as FL8 : travelling mago

    sixth equalizing tone in wizard wave pulses into resonamt 7

    in order to become 8,  incliding 9 : take over commando..

   arrival 84 pinpoints the noo seed fabriqued
   Tzolkin translates it as YELLOW RHYTHMIC SEED! 
   STORM~6 SPOKENas  storm wave fractaled rhythmic twister

   hapoy NooYear ;-)

Thursday, June 4, 2015

XII MOONdaYan --* fusall tripling

63 15 78
64 16 80
65 17 82 <<== june 6 satURDaya


tone 13 in 53.13 red cosmic skywalker ( human with warrior type) at illusion fake )

In the bigger Picture NIGHT SEED SERPENT indicate the mourning after Pilll

How do we'us individuals grow as a BeinG

Process FLeight

17 earth rotation helps when  planned  west to east,
can it perform both ways too intrigues ESP wonderer. .

I. E. Can the idea of whole humanity one clock orient grow peace?

14~17 notates wave white self-excisting wizard as 14~4 does elementary
second wave

Arrival 82  WIND 4

AGAIN a form stating Tone in  [ STORM :: ]  APPRENTII NOTATION

popping noo calendar

... Is breaking the news at some disaster..?
Because no employee is authorized to cover the noo sphere

cyber architect and budapest club hungary deliver some experts, we assume

the serendipity factor was raised by 64 16. . 4 in the array for friday june 5wonders still happen.. Especially when someone starts to see the frame one was tricked by all permission granted warriors..
Which is a mistake some mothers made in Argentina quite a whio  ago. .
In junta years

The economy upperclass didnot want such scrunity, the royals can telll

So what about the ball-game?

Who ~ PIN balll wizarD

XII MOONdaYan -*- midway : Life fractal Center Attent-Qi

63 15 78
64 16 80 <<== midway  -*-
65 17 81

DepartUR  64

Chessboard & I Tjing  Quadrant 2 dimensional
or Rubics Cube lll dimensional

Spells seal SEED,  her fictional - non reality hype - Seal 44 next column 4

Board260?44 : 53-40=13.12,  crystal tone of skywalker waves
See whether U can find the celll!  imagine its position..

64 column 4 is tone :: label self-existing, try also self-exploring,  and autonome
avoid autistic and marionet all the time!

When you receive a chair you wanted either say thank you and mean is respectfull, either pay it as it costs and is serviced for the handling

Process FLeight 16
 what a beauty 64 / 16 gives another 4

14~3 is the wave notation

Service tone Electric Wizard.. ESP kin?

It is in the range of 22,  my own kin

Tone 9,  last of the singular 9 where 10 is manifestation and 13 12 11 download

80 is SUN

Makes me hopeful

SUN light returns in her hearth,  burns as laser does in eye,  in the mothers hearth

Fulll respect for how she went with me [[[before any fall]]]

Jude & thomas seem aQuadrupling phenomenonbut how to treat?

Silvanus it is. ! God of  [ Aeon,  pile, poimt ]
tone 79.2 Storm challenger : Quarantaine as Womb to Kuxan Suum

This caledrick aeons..

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

XiI MOONdaYan *-- ~ form shapes world calendriQ

Ref. Leaked-kin-effects-by-trayning

 60 12 72
 61 13 74    SUN dayan
 62 14 76
             77 linking kneight : subtle zipper : Crystal Earth  
 63 15 78 <<== *--  void of Moon daYan
 64 16 80             -*- midway daYan
 65 17 82             --* super daYan

Current *-- : void from 77 Portal

  63   : 
mark a number 9 as solar significant

Night empowers intuition essences

In author VV terms  Blue Spectral Night

it is 2:32 o'clock north holland netherlands

curious on what spellls from / by ESP

Processing FLEIGHT

15 marks wizard Wave 14 lunar Tone :  challenger

And Eagle meeting Condor (CONtrol of Daily Operations & Reporting true - chief designer in 1985-6 cj de groot at KLM airlines Netherlands)
2.2 is secomdcwave secomd Tone - insights by Claire DuMoulin mysteryQueen

 Arrival PartY

78 indicates a Mirror,  tone 13 - cosmic as on 52 my princess

Reflects so much one cannot see anything but from loves kernel

A bivid bioVoidinG

In dutch

"un goit is altoid bloiT,  je mot um allien ootood versette"

we the Dutch praise our dialects as true while we left 13 moon

Leaked KIN effects by trayning..

Kweakayn" is actually oir label while first firm was 9 days a kweak

Now we have 9 daYAn of 72 hours as quite a unity l!

We work for 72 hours on a place over 50 km away as average discipline

Economics change in clear sight,  meditation sessions too
as family life

A sjarp quy preferring ananymous while single,

Questioned 75 skipped as the third kin

see last three serial in a singel daYAn 9:

60 12 72
61 13 74
62 14 76

We skip 73 & 75 refarding last columns

Trick is We get ontologiical aware on those
still practise on ahafunbase implodes creative elan virtailice
73 skywalker 8 -galactic and integrity feed

75 eagle 10 - planetary boost pissed off by FIFA casewe

 weus will give the 9er each dayan triplet

XII nooSUNdaYan --* third day second daYan

Stabilizing phase is activated today by rcccjdegroot at Gee

62 14 76

After solar wizard fused noospherical on lovelinguistic wizardry

Departure 62marks WIND,  bodily pressure for voice

 Planetary tone in explorer wave  pops the manifesting argument

 that Still needs profounD articulation on that very essence of elan vital

Processing is the FL8 - fleight,  9 too while 8 is intrinsic twin clear to see

14 is leader Wizard of a pack of 12 more,  the Judean followers? 
 other dirty dozen too?
 did somebody tell you the Blatter history started at my daddies ofice?

 it was at the BeGro desk in north Holland,  LANGEDIJK

HIS compagnon saw water grow hard on a field so

People could skate without drowning ;-)

Same principle done over and over again in swiss precision and Vatican Calendric

14 is tone Magnetic (noothing)


Realized by 76 fearless warrior

Distant from 28year warrior full of doubt ever finding a girlfriend laying his eyes on most abject beeeeeep

Tuesday, June 2, 2015


SEEMS TAo ruling my waves

 I checked starroot calc but the stories are universal compound

61  13. 74!
 read previous blog,  itcseemed to fit this justified spell

Is a Pacal Votan ESP marker
61 is its destiny on DRAGONDEAR tone 9 in 53 Wave Solar 9

She comes Home

So the schedule is confirmed on Ruby Tuesday

XII crystal Moon SUNdaYan **- midway spheric

11 53 64  see next enrty full correcTion!
Blue Spectral Monkey hits Jose Arguelles chozen KIN as departure station for HUMAN

He is Time Traveller, friend of many Cybear Architects escaping ego iK

Written on that by Stephanie South his apprentice

Blue is Tramsformative colour needed before takeoff to enchant or such

53 is known as REED ONE,  quetzalcoatl code (8too)


RED initiates noo world

Is blood colour sometimes from the nose.. That pokes

Skywalker Explores that vast we forget personal hotstone massage at the smith fitting horsshoes AT media fabrics with fat guy managemold.

No personality No guts is not the fitting clue

Open Physics Open Mind is Grounding Attent-Qi.nl
a TWIN based enterprise on 73 by chance.

Working together in sound spheres.. As meditared in Neu Ree Bah chantings depictimg wizard Nine : 74,  2 2 + 5 2 : Wind And Human couple

wizard nine again!  as wave spot 22 from 14
sun 13  from 40, sun1

Arrival blessings by  64 -  the chessboard number also Manitou

The image for emphasizing a goodmiximg relarionship
 remind 6 olus 4!as oerfect 10 - T E N:

Transformational Telepathing Navigations

 as KIN-ID.netcmeant for next phase..