ObamAH daya is the 4th Tone in Star Wave
of Elegance
Any idea what is meant by the NightWatch by Rembrandt ??
All people admire the Painter for Drafting and Organizing the Setting,
of Cities Warriors
The crux is in the Dutch Title
"de NachtWacht"
This sets apart the N & W - meaning ??
2 timens "acht" implies the dutch verb "achten"
In English this is
1. esteem, respect
2 (mean) consider, think
title "Night Watch"
Hon. Presiident Obama said "Thank You" today
Seal Night in Kweak 9.3 of the 161 serial in a Serpent CyberWave
Perfect Kweak to ReConsider out Plans on Earth
( as humans uniting Servant Mation )
appendix section
character N is 14th in the accepted 26 alphabeth as a worldstandard
its slash ( \ ) suggests we are all the way down from left to right as order ..
which in fact calls for character M in " the noo" Servant Mation
(too many perceptions to be answered here, but then get in on the ESTEEM nodes)
character W is the double "U" or UU which holds the bending curves rather than VV
this indicates the old paradigm on W as a WarZoNe aeon - phase for learning the better
So here the Z pops .. which may not be a ZZZ opt. fairy for "Sleping Beauty"
RISE again